суббота, 15 августа 2009 г.

Agitation Free - 1976 - Last

1 Soundpool 5:53
2 Laila II 16:58
3 Looping IV 22:42

8 комментариев:

PapaShura комментирует...


Анонимный комментирует...

A huge thank you.It looks like Christmas is already here with all these posts of Agitation Free.This is one of the most important groups of
Kraurock and one of my favourites
together with Ash Ra Tempel,Popol Vuh
and Gila among others.Thanks again
and keep on rockin'.

Danilo from Chile.

PapaShura комментирует...

OK Danilo. Keep-On-Keep-on!
I Like Kraut too. But someday I even don't know nothing about it - there was the days..

Анонимный комментирует...

Thanks for "Fragments" too.I don't know if I unserdtood your comment,but
Krautrock is the name the English press gave to the German rock at the end of the '60.You can get good information from 2 encyclopedias in the net:
1.The crack in the cosmic egg.
2.Cosmic dreams at play.
Thanks for keeping a good standard in your posts.


PapaShura комментирует...

I know bout it, ))
But I'm myself understunding bout kraut. It's... very fine old european rock-music around Germany. )))
Thanks, Danilo for intresting information, one of them i found!
H-m-m... Did You know that in Russia are Dnilo too? But with "A"in the end - Danila - it's very old russian name. -:)

danilo комментирует...

Hi PapaShura I've been trying to reach through my account,hope now it works.Which one did you find?About the name Is it male or female.In Spanish,my native language,"a" stands
for female while "o" stands for male.there some good post I'll try

PapaShura комментирует...

Hi, Danilo.
On oldjewish language name Daniil has importance as God's judge or Court God's.


About this name.

PapaShura комментирует...
